Friday, January 20, 2006

Food for Thought

As you might have noticed, I've been trying to give some extra details of the trip so that I can take all of my friends to travel with me. On the last post about Boston, you can click on the underlined words to get some extra information, pictures or curiosities I've selected so that you can learn a little bit more about each place.

I'll also try to give my impressions, and things that go through my mind while walking around the cities. It could be things I found funny, different or just unexpected, and feel free to add your own point of view on the comments section. Any suggestions, tips etc are, of course, very welcome too.

So, to start with, le me share something I got few weeks ago, and have been literally experiencing in each day of my trip:

"Savor each special moment...

1. Falling in love.

2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.

3. A hot shower.

4. No lines at the supermarket

5. A special glance.

6. Getting mail

7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.

8.. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.

9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.

10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.

11. Chocolate milkshake. (or vanilla or strawberry!)

12. A bubble bath.

13. Giggling.

14. A good conversation.

15. The beach

16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.

17. Laughing at yourself.

18. Clean Sheets!

19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.

20. Running through sprinklers.

21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.

22. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.

23. Laughing at an inside joke.

24. Friends.

25. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.

26. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.

27. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).

28. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.

29. Playing with a new puppy.

30. Having someone play with your hair.

31. Sweet dreams.

32. Hot chocolate.

33. Road trips with friends.

34. Swinging on swings.

35. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.

36. Making chocolate chip cookies.

37. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.

38. Holding hands with someone you care about.

39. Running into an old friend and realizing
that some things (good or bad) never change.

40. Watching the _expression on someone's face as they open a
much desired present from you.

41. Watching the sunrise.

42. Getting out of bed every morning and
being grateful for another beautiful day.

43. Knowing that somebody misses you.

44. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.

45. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think."

I know.... I myself am never able to read all 45 points at once coz I always jump aroun 30 to get to last ones.... no problem with that, just keep this and come back and read a couple of them one in a while, but just make sure to put it into practice. I'm sure you will love the experience!


Here's a preview of the shots I've been taking in Hawaii:
(as you can see, no need to be a pro photographer here..... the nature does all the job for you already!)

Sunset at the Outrigger Canoe Club

"The Gold Coast"
Sunset at the Kapi'olani Park

"Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time"

Hello again!!!

Here I am, back to send you guys some more news. As promised in my last post, have to tell you a little bit about my two other destinations before flying to Hawai'i: Providence and Boston. Ok, ok, it was a very short trip, went to both in only 24hs time, but that was what I had, and it was definitely worth the effort.

Better saying, it was no effort at all! Had plenty of fun and an amazing experience.

So, here I am in New York city 36hs before departing to the Aloha state, freezing cold and wondering what I would do on the next day.... my options: wake up and walk around one of NY's neighborhoods (which by now I had already gone to almost all of them), or go for a morning walk on another city and breathe a different air - actually, a much colder air!

Guess what! Woke up at 5am, packed up my things at the hostel, left my cousin to do the shopping in Times Square and went directly to Penn Station, to get a train to New England. Ahhhh, you wouldn't believe the view I had from the wonderful (and so confortable!) Amtrak train: for the same price as an airline ticket I got to see beautiful sights of the sunrise, and that "heat" was starting to melt the snow that had just fallen over the streets, cars and typical new england houses.

Here are a few pictures I took from the train:

Beautiful sunrise, isn't it?!

Believe it or not, this is not a paiting, it was taken from inside the train!!!!

So, after 3.5hs , I arrived in Providence, capital of the sate of Rhode Island, also known as the Ocean State, or "little Rhodie", as it is the smallest state in the union (37miles wide, 48miles long!). I had more or less 3 hs in the city before catching the train to Boston, which in the end was enough for me to walk (yes, walk!) and get to know 80% of the city!!!! I met a very nice cab driver who did sort of a city tour for U$ 5 - he was so excited to show me around that didn't want to charge me for the ride! So he took me to the Federal Hill neighborhood, their version of Little Italy, but in this case there were other types of fine cuisine too.

I walked all around this area, which was a huge contrast to what I had just experienced in NY. Very few buildings, several cars parked in the streets, snow on the sidewalks and trees (and on me! yes, snow! was soo disappointed to freeze in NY with almost no snow!) , everything happening at such a slow pace that you could feel the calmness in the air and through people's faces. As I was walking alone on the streets all over town, people would greet me saying "Happy New Year" with such a sincere smile, that answering was almost an impulse, thought that was a little bit strange for someone that has lived her entire life in an 11 million inhabitant metropolis.

Afterward, went for a hot chocolate at Roma's, a neat italian deli/bakery. When I got there I realized all the customers were either Italian or descendants, and were all chatting in italian as old friends that would meet regularly. People there were very warm and receptive, to the point of approaching me, giving me tips and telling me stories about the city.
One of the tips was to get a picture of the Rhode Island State Capitol.... Doesn't it look like you were in Washington D.C.?!

One funny thing was that although it comes originally from Massachussets, Dunkin Donuts is much more popular in Providence: there was at least one store per block, ads all over the town and people from all ages eating donuts!

Well, by then it was time to go back (again, walking! Providence is known for its accessibility as a walking city) to the train station for more 1 hour in the train to get to Boston, in the state of Massachussets.

Yes! I found the city that showed to have the perfect balance: everything I had liked about NY, but without its crazyness, yet still with a small town characteristic, that I had seen in Providence :-) What I really liked too was the architecture of the buildings - it's something dramatic that really calls anyone's atention.
Close to the South Station things were a little hectic because of the Big Dig construction. I was talking to some Bostonians, and they told me the Big Dig - a tunnel to improve mobility and try to solve the traffic problem - has been under construction for more than 14 years, and had consumed more than U$ 15 bn, being sponsored by all 50 states, as MA would have gone bankrupt if it were to pay the whole project alone. Seems it was supposed to be ready by mid-2005, though it wasn't ready yet when I was there.

The city is very "walkable" too, but Boston has a pretty extensive system of public transportation consisting of buses, a subway, commuter trains, and even ferry service. I soon found out that the really neat thing to do is take the subway, known as the "T", to anywhere. Just ellect any destination, coz the most interesting thing about this program is the subway itself. This was America's first subway, opened in 1897, so it's like you become part of its history when you are there. Ok.... that's probably a romantic way of seeing things, but who cares, I really enjoyed it.

Now, of course, if I was to catch the subway to go somewhere, I chose one place I've always wanted to go to: Harvard Yard, in Cambridge. As it was really close by and I had already played with the squirrels on the snow at the Boston Common park, decided to take some pictures of the University "dressed" for winter.

How exciting..... just to be there and stand still is nice. I took some pictures for a couple in front of one of the largest libraries, and they were telling me they had met for the first time right there, 30 years ago, when they studied at the law school. Harvard University was established in 1636 and enjoys a worldwide reputation for academic excellence, and I'm sure every single person that once studied there has a different story to tell. Too bad it was late already and classes hadn't started so most everything was closed.

And as I was in Massachussets, I couldn't leave without eating some lobster.... Unbelievable! It was so cheap, that I felt like eating a whole one, chosen right from the aquarium in front of me, though as I still had a long way back to NY, ended up choosing one of the many dishes at Charlie's Kitchen.

Well, my day had already been very productive, but I still had some time left to catch the midnight bus to arrive in New York and go directly to JFK airport, so went to do one of my favourite things: movies!!!! It gives you kind of a feeling that you're so familiar to the city that you can even afford to go to watch a film, doesn't it?!

Great! I finally wrote the post about Providence and Boston, so now we can move on to Hawai'i! I've been desperate to tell everything about it, I'm sure you will all enjoy!

Cya soon and keep checking the updates in this blog!



(Crazy funny waiter from a pub in Cambridge.... Happy New Year!)

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Heeeeey everyone!!!!

sorry that I have been offline for a while and haven't answered your emails, though this blog should get you guys updated with most everything that's been going on in my trip :-)

So, here I am in beautiful Honolulu, right next to Diamond Head, with a wonderful view to Waikiki beach, yet as I haven't sent you guys any pics or news from last week, let's go by steps and start with NYC and south of New England, to then get to Hawai'i.

The first destiny of my trip was New York City - arrived there at around 2am, I was starving and freezing cold... As I arrived to my hostel - funky little chinese place close to Times Square - made friends with Martin, cool english/irish guy, and we went for some milk (!) and pizza hunting. And as the ol' blue eyes would agree, I "woke up" in the city that never sleeps, so not just I found a neat supermarket two blocks away, but also got my 4formaggio slice of pizza :-)

I really enjoyed the time I spent in NYC - was able to do tons of stuff, felt like I was there already for a couple of weeks when I left, though one can definitely stay there for a month and still not manage to do everything this city can offer. It's amazing.

As I had to choose among the ten thousand different broadway musicals available, picked the most popular in the newspapers and the big screen: Mel Brooks' The Producers, which was very good. Also went to the Metropolitan Museum in the last day of Van Gogh's exhibition, took pictures on top of the Empire State building, walked over Central Park several times (and took tons of pics of those darling squirrels!), went to the Financial Center, bought a book in Barnes & Noble, crossed the Brooklyn Bridge (geese that was a good mile on foot!), did some windowshopping in Madison and Park Ave, admired the Lincoln Center, had lunch in Little Italy after walking through crazy Chinatown, and last but not least..... New Year's eve in Times Square (together with other 750,000 pp!). As you can see, all the basic NY sightseeings that every tourist go to!!

Ok, but the really cool things were the adventures we (me and my cousin) went through to manage everything in so little time. Not just that but also do some other cool stuff that weren't in the "basic guide" for tourists, so we had a lot of fun..... The main highlights were ice skating in Bryant Park (such a cute and cozy park all decorated and with Xmas songs), taking a picture with the navy boys during new year's eve celebration, walking around Brooklyn neighborhood and getting lost on the subway back to manhattan, standing in line for more than 3 hours to get in the elevator in the empire state building, not caring about the -4C cold after walking non stop for 8hs, making friends with people from all over the world while waiting 4hs for the damn "golf" ball in times square to fall, practicing my spanish more than my english, counting more than 25 limos in the street everyday (either this city has plenty of movie stars or the rent for a ride is really cheap!!!!), the amazing Met Museum (it's really amazing!!!!), the friendliness of all New Yorkers, and how strange it is to put into your head that it's only 4pm when it looks like midnight.

What I liked the most? Nothing like walking in Central Park in a cold cold day, no matter if during the day or at night, drinking a starbuck's venti hot chocolate and reading a nice book....

NY has its glamour, e um "nao-sei-o-que" that makes you fall in love with the city. The thing is, as you'll see when I tell you about Providence and Boston, NY is not an american city any longer. It's like it became an "international territory", where you'll find people speaking 80 different languages, glued on to their cell phones, always running late for something, living in a city where they can't even have their own car or remember what's it like to live in a house. This way I ended up realizing that this can only be a great city for those who visit.... Living there might just not be worth for those that actually want to enjoy the wonderful things about this city.

Although I was having the time of my life in New York, I was leaving to Hawai'i on Jan 3rd, and thought I could get a little bit more of adventure on my last day in the Northeast of the States. Tell you on my next post!!!!! Hope you enjoyed the news for now. Apart from the pics I'm posting here, will soon update my e.album, then I can send you the link with the best pictures I took.


Cya, Kris

ps, I'm only using the email, so please update your address books as I'm hardly checking the other ones....